How I lost 20lbs with the 7 Minute Workout

On March 31st 2015 I made a plan to increase my exercise and be consistent. I also started roughly tracking my meals. From 3-31 to 4-19 I was consistently walking 2-3 times a week for 3 miles. But it those 20 days my weight didn’t change at all.

On April 20th I upped my game and added the 7-minute workout to my weekly plan. Now I do the 7-minute workout 3 times a week minimum and still walk my 3 miles twice a week. My walks have become better and I’m able to run about 1/3 of the walk.

No, I haven’t lost 20lbs yet. But in 22 days since April 20th I have lost 5lbs. It’s a start. Now to step it up even more. Subscribe to see how long it takes me to loose the full 20lbs and what I do to succeed.

I plan on my 7-minute workout days to do the routine twice a day instead of once a day. Work day permitting I will also do the 7-minute workout on my walk/run days.

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Here is the video I use for the 7-minute Workout

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Loren Nason

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