Diagnosing a Technical Issue

Forcing another post because nothing else is coming to mind.

Scans from Scanner going to Junk

Today I was teaching a co-worker how I would diagnose an issue reported today where the customer has a scanner that does scan to email. They scan the document and email it to themselves. The email is technically not leaving their domain.


  • Company uses Office 365 Protection
  • Email Server is private hosted Exchange Server
  • This article used for setting up scan to email using Option 3
    • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/how-to-set-up-a-multifunction-device-or-application-to-send-email-using-office-3
  • This has been working for many other clients
  • Office 365 Connector is in place
  • DNS SPF record is in place and appears to be correct
    • But the IP portion specifying their class C block
    • Maybe it shouldn’t

Diagnosing steps:

Connect to Office 365 admin and I confirmed Connectors in place. I then used mxtoolbox.com to verify SPF record in place. This is when I thought the SPF record was wrong

Steps to resolve:

I changed the SPF record to be only the IP the customer is using. It was at the end of the day and DNS TTL was longer than customer was at the office.

So we will check in tomorrow to see if this solution has resolved the issue.


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Loren Nason

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